BA Phot

Elements of the photograph

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[30Mar19] This section was prompted by my buying The Nature of Photographs by Stephen Shore and by my tutor's comments on Asg.3, suggesting that I should,

refect in more detail on the images you mention, considering content, concept, or formal elements tutor's comments on Asg.3

I was not certain what those formal elements comprise and that remains the case, although I'm sure it includes composition, framing and the like.

I intend to gather here relevant material on the matter. My initial intention is to divide the process into three - camerawork, post-processing and presentation and to break those down into their components.

I will start with a review / summary of Shore's book in a separate section and hope that this will provide the initial considerations.


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Page created 30-Mar-2019 | Page updated 30-Mar-2019