BA Phot

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[spellchecked 19Sep21]

I' m old, Welsh and somewhat hampered in speech, speed of thought and mobility by strokes. I mention this to explain my lack of verbal contributions to online discussions and the parochial nature of most of my subjects.
I believe the most insightful quote on photography is Ashley la Grange’s paraphrase of Sue Sontag,

photographs do not seem strongly bound by the intention of the photographer Sontag, On Photography, paraphrased in La Grange (2005) p.37

My most recent tutor describes me as “deconstructivist”.

T he original purpose of this site was to contain the output of a photography degree. Some of it was a course requirement: most of it is on public display by choice. I abandoned the degree in April 2023. Here's why.
It now contains my personal projects.

The site is intentionally labyrinthine with several components started and shelved or on hold. For academic assessment I built an austere Wordpress site for each module where tutors and assessors could examine a subset of the whole. That will no longer be necessary, though I do enjoy playing with Wordpress.

[4Apr23] The about for C&N was pretty concise. The about for I&P rambled. Then there was LPE and that turned into a ramble too. And then DIC.

Minor White, 1971,
Zone System Manual:
How to Previsualize Your Pictures

image source: Amazon

M   y stated ethos in May 2020, during C&N was,

To produce a visual representation of something that merits this attention in such a way as to do the subject object justice.
All these judgements are necessarily subjective and the terms deliberately ambiguous. blog, 16th May

In July 2021, during I&P, I wrote

To record what something or someone once looked like as an aid to personal recollection, or for the possible interest, information or amusement of a stranger.

[24Oct22, the end of LPE and the beginning of DIC.] LPE lost the plot, about-wise.

Winogrand's remark, "I photograph to find out what something will look like photographed" is often quoted. The literal antithesis is Ansel Adams 'previsualisation', described in his book The Negative (1983) and these opposites encapsulate the photography of and photography about debate. I am expecting DIC collage and the other messing about to takes this to next realm. This might form the basis for the DIC Zine editorial

Ansel Adams and Fred Archer developed the Zone System: it is infortunate that Minor White wrote the book with that title.

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This has been adapted from the Arthur Jackson Hepworth web site.

creative commons

Perhaps just adopting a Creative Commons license would be clearer.

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C redits - are listed here.

D isclaimer I noted in the blog in November 2019 that Disney has started for apologising for the attitudes portrayed in some of its older films. I have a feeling that, being a person of age, I will sometimes have to do the same.

C ontact email - Nick518937 at

P hot, Beaufort Aldous

[2Oct22] I do not embrace social media, but today, 4 years in, and halfway through the course, I am minded to engage with Twitter in a limited way, mostly as an occasional notebook. I was prompted by a useful article in The Times and the need for an easy way to flag it. My name will be Beaufort Aldous Phot: I might need to buy a burner to set it up.
[later] no burner needed, an email will do. @baphot not available, it's @AldousPhot.

Page created 22-Jun-2018 | Page updated 10-Apr-2023