BA Phot

Dolly Parton Challenge


On 27th Jan 2020, The Times [1] reported on the Dolly Parton Challenge. The singer (etc.) has released a multi-photograph of par-traits of herself in various social media personas challenged others to do the same. Hyperallergic [2] reports that museums have responded en-masse.

I'll stash them all here, in case they go away.

Dolly Parton Dolly Parton Challenge Dolly Parton Challenge Dolly Parton Challenge Dolly Parton Challenge Dolly Parton Challenge Dolly Parton Challenge
Box A
1. Dolly Parton
2. Museo de Arte de Ponce
3. Sotheby's
4. San Antonio Museum of Art
5. The Met, NY
6. MFA Boston
7. from Know Your Meme
© various artists

If required to rework Asg.1, this will be a great vehicle. On second thoughts, I might just do it anyway.

A search for other examples found the Beatles (fig. A7) [3] . That's not going to be beaten (although there might be arguments over who should go where) - all the others might as well give up now. I'll do mine anyway, though.



quote cite
Logo v.2


1. Rogers, H. (2020) Dolly Parton challenge [online]. The Times. Available from [Accessed 27 January 2020].

2. Di Liscia, V. (2020) The Art World Has Discovered the Dolly Parton Meme Challenge [online]. Available from [Accessed 27 January 2020].

3. anon (2020) Dolly Parton Challenge - The Beatles "Let It Be" [online]. Available from [Accessed 27 January 2020].

n. author (year) title [online]. website. Available from url [Accessed nn January 2020].

n. author, init (year) Title. Location: Publisher.

n. author (year) title [online]. website. Available from url [Accessed nn January 2020].

Page created 27-Jan-2020 | Page updated 27-Jan-2020