BA Phot
[14Mar19] My tutor feedback suggested two alternatives to this project — 1. all close-ups and 2. concentrating on one event or one subject of protest.
I have taken another trawl through the image long-list and decided on a set of source images to work with and these are shown in Box A below. I will work both sets in colour and will probably move to square format for the close-ups.
These were taken at five protest events.
There were two main groups present at the protest: senior school students in groups of friends, mostly female filling the square; small children with their parents on the periphery.
These reworks were interesting to undertake and the outcomes are perhaps, because of the use of colour, more visually interesting than the submitted set. Nevertheless by holding to my original plan of photographing a range of subjects at protest and doing so in black and white, I learned more than would otherwise have been the case.