BA Phot
The plan is for assessment to print a representative sample, those below, as 6x4s plus Asg. 3-5 and exercises 4.5 and 5.2 at A4. The reworks rather than (or in this case as well as) the assignment submissions should be sent, so some additional A4 prints will be required
[5Dec12] To convert the (currently) 88 snaps to 6x4 format, Photoshop Canvas size, fill set to white and either set the short side to long×4÷6 or set the long side to short×6÷4 — which depends a criterion I'm not to sure about at the moment. Then I'll probably add a 5% white margin.
[13Dec19] All the images are now to hand. Some of the 6x4s are a little misaligned and the 5% margin would have helped. I have prepared another set with an added margin, but will probably go with the original set.
Now to deal with the text. My intention is to compile a full set of documents which will be available online and a reduced set to print and submit. I'll log that on the Assessment page and in the blog.
These are not all the images taken for Expressing your vision, but the key images at every stage.