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EyV: Assessment

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Due March 2020, submission deadline January 2020

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7th April 2020


The result is in, an uninspiring 53%. But at least I can switch the web site to C&N now.

Here are the feedback forms - Marksheet, Result.


[22Jan] The package got there safely. And the plagiarism check does not apply to EyV.

[18Jan] Done.

Package submitted 18th Jan

EyV results Nov 19

[17Jan] That's just about done - all items are on the G drive; all contents are ready for the box; plagiarism samples submitted. Now just fill the box, wrap and send and finalise the covering letter on the G drive.

I looked for any instructions on file size limits for the G drive submissions and failed to find any, so just reformatted all the images to 3000 pix long.

What I did find was the November 2019 assessment results - see right and here's a link.

[16Jan] Whats next?

1. For the Gdrive - tutors' feedback, the A4 images (3000 pix long) full text pdf (and short version and assignment feedback).
2. Plagiarism sampling emailed to Exc 4.5 and 5.2 in both Word and pdf.
3. In the box - A4s , 6x4s printed material USB stick

Gdrive instructions

[16Jan] And here are the instructions for the G drive.

'Dear Student
This is the invitation to your allocated GDrive folder for the March 2020 assessment. It is important that you add ALL your tutor reports to this folder and you have the option to add digital work to the folder if you wish.
Please complete the Self Evaluation form, within this form you will find the Content list and Contact sheet.  Please complete the Content list as much as you can, this is useful for the assessors and helps them to navigate their way around your submission.  The Contact sheet can be left blank but can be useful if you are sending objects to help identify them.
Yours sincerely
Assessment Team'

Assessment Submission Label

[9Jan] OCA have sent a label to put on the outside of the packing. A compliments slip states,

'Please write your details on the enclosed sticker(s) and put it on the very outer packaging of your work. If you are sending more than one package, indicate this on the sticker (eg 1 of 1, or 1 of 2 etc). If you are sending more than 2 parcels then please mark up the additional parcels accordingly.
We are expecting your submission for formal assessment for the March 2020 event. Your physical submission must be delivered between 15 January 2020 and 31 January 2020. This must not exceed 20kg and please note for health and safety purposes no individual package should weigh more than 12 kg.
A GDrive folder for assessment purposes will be prepared and emailed to you around 15 January 2020, this folder is for any digital work you wish the assessors to view, work must be uploaded by 31 January 2020. Any blog passwords and/or digital versions of written work eg essays/ critical reviews required for plagiarism sampling must also be emailed to no later than the 31 January 2020. It is your responsibility to ensure that all required assessment components are provided.'

The plans for the G drive are:
1. the full version of the pdf document;
2. the images printed to A4 ; and
3. see the dagger below - 'all your tutor reports in to this folder, if you are planning to send digital submissions, including essays and critical reviews, you should refer to the Guidelines for Submission on the student website'

I have no idea what 'digital versions of written work eg essays/ critical reviews required for plagiarism sampling must also be emailed to no later than the 31 January 2020' means

[2Jan20] All the physical stuff is ready, except the USB stick. I have just submitted the assessment form (deadline 7th January), located here - (I thought I had already done that, but I cannot find an email response, so did it again.

assessment dates
assessment dates

Remaining steps:
1. find out what I need to submit online and where (there's something down the page about a G Drive ) and put the same on the USB stick for inclusion with the physical package.
2. put it all in the clamshell and send it - dates on the right - between 15th and 31st January.

The submission address is:

Open College of the Arts
The Michael Young Arts Centre
Unit 1B Redbrook Business Park
Wilthorpe Road
S75 1JN

The OCA's email response includes the following:

'GDrive Folder, all students are provided with a GDrive folder for assessment purposes, this will be prepared and sent to you via email after the closing date for the assessment event you have applied for. You will need to add (by copy and paste, or drag and drop) all your tutor reports in to this folder, if you are planning to send digital submissions, including essays and critical reviews, you should refer to the Guidelines for Submission on the student website. This details the only acceptable format for electronic submissions.'

[19Dec19] The text has now been processed. Here's the full text (203 pages, 15MB).

[14Dec19] The images for Assessment have been printed. Now on to the text.
As described below, I'll print and submit a subset and also create a fuller document that will be available online (and maybe also include that on a USB stick).
That is now complete, 62 pages in the shorterned version: I am looking for a binder.

[9Nov19] The 88 photographs to be printed as 6x4 inch snaps have been selected. The subset to be printed at A4 comprises the last three assignments plus exercises 4.5 and 5.2. While the assignments were submitted as physical prints, the requirements are for the reworks, not the original submissions to be sent for assessment so that means extra prints — when I have worked out which, I'll get a package ready for DSC Labs — see the all images page for progress on these.

[3Nov19] I am in the process of transitioning from EyV to C&N. My most recently posted thoughts on EyV Assessment were stated in the Blog on 30th September and are quoted below. I am still reluctant to embrace the clam shell box. My thought this morning was to assemble the items I want to submit and then find a suitable container. I will call into a nearby branch of that arts and crafts chain, the name of which escapes me - I'll be passing it in a few days - and see what they have.

I think I know what I intend to do for that. I might have to resort to some sort of box, containing:
1. A4 prints of the last three assignments
2. A standard photoprocessing packet containing 6x4 prints of all the photos (intended to a) give a representative sample and b) reinforce the point that "they're only photographs")
3. A booklet containing a 1-page summary; submission and tutor response text (SPELL-CHECKED) plus thumbnails (original and rework) for all assignments; prints of the significant exercises (4.5 and 5.2); details of the other material available online (website, pdf prints of the blog, each part and each assignment).Blog , 30 Sep 19

[27Jul19] In response to two OCA email prompts I applied for assessment today, opting for the March 2020 session, which means that I submit my material in January. OCA replied with a link to this document, Assessment and how to get qualified.

In the Asg. 4 feedback my tutor stated,

As you are approaching the end of the course I would suggest looking online at how to book an assessment date, and consider how you will send your prints for assessment. A4 size is fine to print your final assignment images, once you have thought about reworking or adaptations you might make (with other earlier versions left displayed and clearly labelled on the blog). Label and number your prints on the back. You can also print out your commentary for each assignment. It is recommended that the work is well presented in a clam shell archival box or something similar to show your work in a professional manner.Asg.4 feedback

A few early points:

  1. 1. A clam shell archival box seems rather pretentious, but we'll see.
  2. 2. I am by no means sure what I have to actually submit — I will digest the manual and quote the essentials below. Two things that I think I saw in the document are (i) don't send everything and (ii) submit copies of the tutor feedback for the assignments that are submitted for assessment. I was quite pleased with Asg.3 and Asg.4 and Asg.5 has started reasonably well so I am inclined at this time to submit those.
  3. 3. Part of the online process is to provide one's blog url. I am not sure from an initial scan of the document whether what I call the blog is what is required in this context.

[28Jul] The document has 16 pages and pp. 11-13 have the meat on what to actually send in and how.

OCA assessment OCA assessment OCA assessment
OCA Assessment and how to get qualified pp. 11-13
© OCA 2015

This leads to a more specific document on assessment for photography courses, Photography Guidelines for submission for formal assessment.

This specifies (all references are to OCA, 2017, my comments are after the red dash):

It continues (p.7),

What to submit for assessment, Level one course units (HE Level 4)

[16Sep] The matter has been raised in EyV chat - I'll keep an eye on what is said there.


OCA (2015) Assessment and how to get qualified. Barnsley: OCA. [Online] Available at [accessed 27 July 2019]

OCA (2017) Photography Guidelines for submission for formal assessment. Barnsley: OCA. [Online] Available at [accessed 28 July 2019]

Page created 15-Jul-2019 | Page updated 22-Sep-2021