BA Phot

C&N Part 3: Putting yourself in the picture

Page 2b - Exercise 3.3


Project 1 Autobiographical - Project 2 - Masquerades - Exc. 3.1 - Exc. 3.2 - Exc. 3.3 - Project 3 - Self-absented - Exc. 3.4 - Upsum

Brotherus - Calle - Fox - Kapajeva - Lee - Moffatt - Morrissey - Shafran - Sherman - Taylor-Johnson - van Manen - Wearing - Woodman - Conclusion

Exercise 3.3

Recreate a childhood memory in a photograph. Think carefully about the memory you choose and how you’ll recreate it. You’re free to approach this task in any way you wish.
• Does the memory involve you directly or is it something you witnessed?
• Will you include your adult self in the image (for example, to ‘stand in’ for your childhood self) or will you ask a model to represent you? Or will you be absent from the image altogether? (You’ll look at the work of some artists who have chosen to depict some aspect of their life without including themselves in the image in the next project.)
• Will you try and recreate the memory literally or will you represent it in a more metaphorical way, as you did in Part Two?
• Will you accompany your image with some text?
• In your learning log, reflect on the final outcome. How does the photograph resemble your memory? Is it different from what you expected? What does it communicate to the viewer? How?
It might be interesting to show your photograph to friends or family members – perhaps someone who was there at the time and someone who wasn’t – and see what the image conveys to them.C&N [2, p. 82]

[spellchecked  ]

[5Mar20, [2, p.82]] This exercise comes at a particularly good time because I have just started the task of digitising my family photo archive.

me, 1957
Box A
Me, 2½, with sister and mother,
Newport, 1957

I realise that reinterpreting an old photograph is only one way of approaching this, but that if the route I have chosen.

A high percentage of the surviving snaps were taken in the small back garden, usually with the camera facing the house and the subject either in front of (what was then) the coal house or in front of the trellis. And here are a few, fig. A1 (I am shocked to learn that the trellis was not there in the summer of 1957).


[8Mar] The image I intend to recreate is one taken of my mother, my wife and me in my mother's back garden, where I was born and brought up and repeatedly photographed (the door of the coal house is just in view) taken in April 2011, fig. B1.
This time, the subjects will be my wife, my son and his wife and probably his son: the delay is waiting for a decent day to take the infant into the garden. The location will be the house where I currently live and where my son was brought up (but not born).

Newport, April 2011 Eltham, March 2020
Box B
1. Wife, mother and me, Newport, April 2011,
2. Daughter-in, law, wife, son and grandson, Eltham, March 2020

Fig. B2 is a placeholder, and may be replaced by a better shot in due course. [It was not.]

Exercise 3.3 no local references

Page created 22-Feb-2020 | Page updated 23-Sep-2020