BA Phot

DIC: The Book


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[26Oct22] see About -
Winogrand's remark, "I photograph to find out what something will look like photographed" is often quoted. The literal antithesis is Ansel Adams 'previsualisation', described in his book The Negative (1983) and these opposites encaosulate the photography of and photography about debate. I am expecting DIC collage and the other messing about to takes this to next realm. This might form the basis for the DIC Zine editorial




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DIC The Book References

Alexander, J, Conroy, A, Hughes, A, & Lundy, G (2019) Landscape, Place and Environment [LPE]. Barnsley: Open College of the Arts.

Alexander, J. & McMurdo, W. (2015) Digital Image and Culture [DIC]. Barnsley: Open College of the Arts.

Bloomfield, R (2017) Expressing your vision [EyV]. Barnsley: Open College of the Arts.

Boothroyd, S (2017) Context and Narrative [C&N]. Barnsley: Open College of the Arts.

Boothroyd, S. and Roberts, K. (2019) Identity and place [I&P]. Barnsley: Open College of the Arts.

author, (year) Title. Location: Publisher.

author (year) title [online]. website. Available from url [Accessed nn January 2020].

author (year) Title. Location: Publisher.

author, (year) Title. Location: Publisher.

author (year) title [online]. website. Available from url [Accessed nn January 2020].

author, (year) Book Title. Location: Publisher.

author (year) Title. Journal. Vol, pages.

author (year) Title. Newspaper. Date. pages.

Page created 11-Oct-2021 | Page updated 15-Nov-2022