DIC: The Book
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Winogrand's remark, "I photograph to find out what something will look like photographed" is often quoted. The literal antithesis is Ansel Adams 'previsualisation', described in his book The Negative (1983) † and these opposites encaosulate the photography of and photography about debate. I am expecting DIC collage and the other messing about to takes this to next realm. This might form the basis for the DIC Zine editorial
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DIC The Book References
Alexander, J, Conroy, A, Hughes, A, & Lundy, G (2019) Landscape, Place and Environment [LPE]. Barnsley: Open College of the Arts.
Alexander, J. & McMurdo, W. (2015) Digital Image and Culture [DIC]. Barnsley: Open College of the Arts.
Bloomfield, R (2017) Expressing your vision [EyV]. Barnsley: Open College of the Arts.
Boothroyd, S (2017) Context and Narrative [C&N]. Barnsley: Open College of the Arts.
Boothroyd, S. and Roberts, K. (2019) Identity and place [I&P]. Barnsley: Open College of the Arts.
author, (year) Title. Location: Publisher.
author (year) title [online]. website. Available from url [Accessed nn January 2020].
author (year) Title. Location: Publisher.
author, (year) Title. Location: Publisher.
author (year) title [online]. website. Available from url [Accessed nn January 2020].
author, (year) Book Title. Location: Publisher.
author (year) Title. Journal. Vol, pages.
author (year) Title. Newspaper. Date. pages.
Page created 11-Oct-2021 | Page updated 15-Nov-2022