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LP&E Part 1 Exercise 1.4

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Project 1, Thinking about landscape - Exc 1.1 - Exc 1.2 - Project 1.2 Pictorialism - Exc 1.3 - Project 1.3 The Beautiful and the Sublime - Exc 1.4 - Exc 1.5 - Exc 1.6 - Conclusion - Upsum - Eval

Adams - Alexander - Atget - Brandt - Daguerre - Emerson - Fox Talbot - Le Gray - Rejlander - Robinson - Sear - Seawright - Stieglitz - Steichen - Thomson - Weston - White -

Capon - Crimp - Galassi - Krauss - Grundberg - Meades - Miller - Morley - Papageorge - Vanderbilt - Wilson -

gaze - sublime -

Preamble - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Asg.1 - Asg.2 - Asg.3 - Asg.4 - Asg.5 - Asg.6 - I&P - C&N - EyV -

Perspectives on the Sublime

Is it reasonable to suggest that the sublime remains a gendered concept? Are we becoming more open to questioning previously held assumptions (unconscious) about whose view w e are being asked to take?
Contribute to the conversation on this topic with fellow students and tutors on the VLE, or via this forum thread: LP&E, p.48

[ spellchecked 30Oct ]

LPE post
Box A
Post 24Oct21

[24Oct21] Posted today,

I found the definitions of the sublime, particularly Robert Adams, rather metaphysical for my humanist viewpoint. I suggest that the sublime is the punctum of beauty - a personal trigger that elevates the experience to a higher threshold.
It is entirely plausible that there are gendered views of the sublime, given the male gaze / female gaze controversy. The notion is undermined if sublime is regarded as an individual thing (which I do) and could only be tested by interrogating a representative sample of both men and women and mapping their individual concepts of the sublime, having developed some definitions. Nevertheless, a priori, it seems possible that there will some gender aggregation. Other dichotomies will probably be found, in addition to gender. LPE discussion

There's not a lot of debate on the site, 22 posts in 2 years.

[30Oct] No responses a week later. [22Nov] No responses.

LPE Exc 1.4 References

Alexander, J, Conroy, A, Hughes, A, & Lundy, G (2019) Landscape, Place and Environment [LPE]. Barnsley: Open College of the Arts.

Page created 24-Oct-2021 | Page updated 06-Nov-2022