LP&E:Part 4 - Landscape and Identities
Project 1 - Preparing to Write a Critical Review
Project 4.1 Preparing to Write a Critical Review -
Exc 4.1 -
Project 4.2 ‘British-ness’, Collective Identities and the Countryside -
Exc 4.2 -
Project 4.3 Personal identities and multiculturalism -
Project 4.4 Landscape and Gender -
Exc 4.3 -
Exc 4.4 -
Exc 4.5 -
Conclusion -
Upsum -
Bowler -
Brotherus -
Cameron -
Connor -
Darwell -
Dewe Mathews -
Farnan -
Flintham -
Friend -
Gilpin -
Godwin -
Hawarden -
Johnston -
Kempadoo -
Kruger -
Landen -
Lewenz -
Pfahl -
Pollard -
Roberts -
Sear -
Sobol -
Spence -
Trangmar -
name -
Jay -
Bright -
name -
name -
[ spellchecked 15Mar
In photography, discovery and recognition together constitute a special form of creation, for something is brought into the consciousness that was not there before.
Paul Vanderbilt in EW:100, Centennial Essays in Honour of Edward Weston, 1986, p.129.
[9Mar p.135] Places have various aspects and opinions of the places and those aspects may differ, both between and amongst locals and outsiders. These, and how it is represented help to form its identity. The cmat. says,
Cultural, historical and industrial factors of course play a key role in shaping the identity of a place and its people; however, the environment and ecology are equally significant influences.
LPE p.135
and gives the example of Dana Lixenberg’s Last Days of Shishmaref in Part 3.
Jacob Aue Sobol
b: 1976 Copenhagen
Site - Wikipedia - Guardian

Box A
Jacob Aue Sobol
from Sabine, 2004
img: Sobol
Then Jacob Aue Sobol’s work Sabine (2004) that comes with a trigger warning, the first I recall. Sobol's oeuvre is to photograph local communities that he has come to know. His first, Sabine, concentrated on the life of one girl and followed two years living in the Greenland village of Tiniteqilaaq.
Critical Review
[14Mar] On choosing a subject, the cmat. states,
• Researching and writing your essay will require time and attention, so choose something that inspires you and which you’ll enjoy exploring in some depth.
• On the other h and, if there’s an aspect of landscape discussed thus far that has troubled you in some way, and you wish to challenge yourself further, then perhaps trying to gain a better understanding or questioning existing critiques might b e a potential approach for you.
• Rather than focusing on just one individual, you may wish to discuss the work of a related group of practitioners, a movement or another theme within landscape practice. Any of the headings from the various parts of this course would be appropriate essay topics or starting points.
• Your critical review must relate to your current practice or proposed future bodies of work. This will help you to contextualise your practical work.
• Your essay should be informed by critical texts (books, journals, interviews, blogs, etc.) by established writers and practitioners. Choose a subject and practitioners that aren’t too obscure so that you don’t have problems accessing research material.
LPE p.136
then a page of sound, standard advice on method - plan, Harvard, etc.
Exercise 4.1
This is shown on a separate page.
[15Mar] Individual opinions differ on various places and photoprojects can reflect those differences.
LP&E 4.1
LP&E Part 4 References
Alexander, J, Conroy, A, Hughes, A, & Lundy, G (2019) Landscape, Place and Environment [LPE]. Barnsley: Open College of the Arts.
Friend, M. (2021) The Home Front [online]. melaniefriend.com. Available from https://melaniefriend.com/the-home-front [Accessed 24 March 2022].
Godwin, F. (2002) Interview on Desert Island Disks [radio], BBC Radio 4, 17 March 2002.
Greenhill, R., Murray, M. & Spence, J. (1977) Photography. London: Macdonald & Co.
Jay, B., (2001) Sun in the blood of the cat. Tucson, Az.: Nazraeli Press.
Kirby, P. (2017) Write it Right [online]. library.lit.ie. Available from https://library.lit.ie/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/WriteitRightPDFOct2017.pdf [Accessed 27 March 2022].
Merriam-Webster (2022) monopoly [online]. merriam-webster.com. Available from https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/monopoly [Accessed 4 April 2022].
Solomon-Godeau, A. (1994) Photography at the dock. Minneapolis: University Of Minnesota Press
Spence, J. & Solomon, J. (eds.) (1995) What can women do with a camera. London: Scarlet Press.
The Tate (n.d.) Jo Spence [online]. tate.org.uk. Available from https://www.tate.org.uk/art/artists/jo-spence-18272 [Accessed 5 April 2022].
Wells, L. (2009) Photography: a critical introduction. (4th edn.). Abingdon: Routledge.
Page created 09-Mar-2022 | Page updated 07-Nov-2022