LP&E: Part6 - Preparing for Assessment
[ spellchecked 7 Nov
At OCA we believe that your position or viewpoint is absolutely as valuable as the position of any author that you read; the only difference is that you probably won’t have fully discovered, or at least articulated, it yet. Your viewpoint is the source of your imagination and ideas but it can be quite a long journey to bring it into the light.
EyV p.101
Assignment |
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Started |
Complete |
6. Preparing for Assessment |
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9 Oct |
13 Oct |
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[9Oct22, p. 193] There's a lot of direct advice / instructions in Part 6.
In line with your tutor’s feedback from the previous tutorial, use this opportunity to rework the self-directed brief that you undertook in Part Five. This work represents the culmination of the work that you have undertaken on Landscape, Place and Environment so it’s important that the content and presentation of the assignment is as strong as possible.
LPE p. 193
There was no rework for Asg5, but I'll write a Further Reflections.
Make sure that you’ve carefully considered your tutor’s feedback on your assignments, and made any changes that they’ve recommended. It’s your decision whether or not to submit your assignments with the changes your tutor has suggested. However, you should at least consider their comments, and demonstrate this by taking appropriate actions.
LPE p. 193
Asg1 - no rework was required but the tutor's suggestion (or so I understood it) was to relax and stop overthinking my work.
Asg2 - my tutor considered the images overprocessed and "a step too far" (feedback, Asg2). I reworked the processing and made some changes to the image selection.
Asg3 - my tutor did not think that this one worked )neither did my fellow LPE students in the discussion group) and I am inclined to agree, but I did enjoy the research and learned from the process that I should be more aware of the reasonable requirements of potential audiences.
Asg4 - the essay went down quite well and I made some amendments to clarify the points I sought to make.
Asg5 - see above
Make sure your learning log is up to date. If you skipped any of the exercises then now is the time to complete them.
LPE p. 194
I think all the exercises have been done, but they will need tidying up.
The ‘reflection’ element is vital
LPE p. 194
I write reflections on all the assessments, and respond point by point to the feedback, but not so much on the exercises. There is a final reflection mentioned below.
ask yourself again now where you think you would place yourself in relation to each of the four criteria and identify where you think your strengths and weaknesses are.
LPE p. 194
This is rather out of date and we are now into LOs.
contact your tutor to request feedback on your submission
LPE p. 195
This has been rather overtaken by events as FinAss submissions are all online and mostly conducted by the tutors.
Write a short entry in your learning log ( maximum 500 words ), reflecting on what you’ve learned during this course. Consider how your approach to and understanding of landscape photographic practice has evolved during the course, and how your technical knowledge has developed.
LPE p. 195
and that's it.
Finass Reflection and Final Upsumming
[10Oct]The main thrust of the course is an emphasis on the importance of the social, political and ecological aspects of landscape photography: there is a corresponding disapproval of depicting the sublime, the beautiful and the picturesque in the genre.
While the more serious uses of landscape photography are undeniably important, there are, nevertheless aesthetic and social roles for the lighter side. Fay Godwin's views on picturesque views are quoted (LPE, p.108) and this leads to a sustained and repeated criticism of postcards. This is (in my view) unnecessary and largely unjustified and I wrote at length in Part 3 Exercise 2 In Defence of Postcards, concluding that "most postcards are benign, documentary images" (Part 3 Exercise 2). This led to the birth of 26 diners and motels in Newport, after Ed Ruscha, built on postcards from eBay, that remains work in progress.
Continued on the Submissions page.
LP&E 6.1
LP&E Part 6 References
Alexander, J, Conroy, A, Hughes, A, & Lundy, G (2019) Landscape, Place and Environment [LPE]. Barnsley: Open College of the Arts.
Page created 09-Oct-2022 | Page updated 04-Dec-2022