not BA Phot

Postcards - Development

Back - - format - the back - the back - further instructions - EPal - St Barnabas - Winter garden -

[not spellchecked  ]

First steps

[23Apr23] As noted in the blog, "I took the dp2 for a trial run to the Stephen Lawrence memorial and to Eltham Palace. (It was the 30th anniversary of Lawrence's death today.) I was using the camera hand-held although the standard intention is to use it on a tripod. The camera's failure to calculate exposures correctly was confirmed and, although it has the pleasing choices of 6x7 and xPan-like aspect ratios, its fixed focal length of 40mm makes it unsuitable for Palace: as noted when photographing urban churches, there is often insufficient room on most sides of the building to take the optimal photograph."

And last night I drafted the back of the postcard, see below

Eltham is an unremarkable South London suburb with two exceptions. Firstly, it has a Palace: kings from whoever to Henry VIII lived there as princes. It mostly fell into disrepair until a branch of the Courtauld family restored what was left in the 1930s and added an art deco wing to live in. Secondly, Stephen Lawrence was killed there in 1993, a mile or so from the Palace. On the road between the to locations stands St Barnabas church, moved stone by stone from Greenwich Docks in year? And decorated with a dome? Mural by ? In year as part of his personal war reparations.

Here are the contacts

dp2 Stephen Lawrence memorial
Box A
dp2 22Apr23

1. contact sheet Stephen Lawrence memorial and Eltham Palace
2. Stephen Lawrence memorial
Eltham sign
Sign at Eltham station
29th April

Perhaps use the rail station's big Eltham sign on the postcards.

[29Apr] Do the winter garden too, if it’s open.


[23Apr] Remember,

3. A submission must comprise four postcards.
Three postcard fronts each featuring between TWO and FIVE photographs PLUS
One postcard reverse side featuring a project title, a statement of intent (see no 7, below) and your name as you wish it to appear in any accreditation of your work (include any distinctions if you wish).
4. The four postcards will be distributed across two facing pages in the project book.
The left-hand page will include the reverse side with statement of intent and one picture postcard. Both must be in horizontal format.
The right-hand page will include the other two picture postcards. Both must be EITHER in horizontal OR vertical format. For an illustration of how the book will be laid out, see here
Each finished postcard must be submitted as follows:
14 X 9 aspect ratio (either horizontal or vertical)
1654px x 1063px @ 300PPI
Jpeg (at maximum quality)
sRGB colour space
5. Each postcard front must feature between two and five separate photographs.
6. Brief text may be added to the fronts your postcards to locate or explain the subject as in these examples; one, two, three, four, and final example five.
7. In addition, each entrant must write a brief statement of intent (max. 100 words) explaining their project and why they chose the subject(s). This text must feature on the reverse side postcard.

[1May] Would 3 work? It might be worth a try for Lawrence.

RPS postcard examples
Box B
1. RPS postcard examples
© the artists, their agents or their estates

If we number these 1-6,
1. the back
2. One possibility is a format 2 card with 2 panoramas, each 1654 x 532ish, including the seam. Perhaps the standard exterior and the hammerbeam roof. I have existing examples of those.
3. text
4. text
5. text
6. This is probably best for Lawrence and Barnabas, so these will be page 2 with the back and EPal on page 1. If the overall size is 1654px x 1063px @ 300PPI, then each image will be 827x1063, including the middle margin and label.

The back

[23Apr - copied from above] And last night I drafted the back of the postcard,

Eltham is an unremarkable South London suburb with two exceptions. Firstly, it has a Palace: kings from Edward III to Henry VIII lived there as princes from 1327 to 1547. It mostly fell into disrepair until a branch of the Courtauld family restored what was left in the 1930s and added an art deco wing to live in.
Secondly, Stephen Lawrence was killed there in 1993, a mile or so from the Palace. On the road between the two locations stands St Barnabas church, moved stone by stone from Greenwich Docks in 1932 and decorated with a dome mural by Hans Fiebusch in1950 as an act of reconciliation after WW2.

Word count = 105 - that's a good start.



Box C - the back
1. early draft
2. text
3. text

Further instructions

[31Jul23] additional requirements

Good afternoon Having received submissions for the Postcards project, I would like to draw your attention to a couple of issues which have been highlighted. The website will be amended to include these additions.
1. In the link to “Hints and tips for creating postcards” you will see that we require the cards to be submitted with a grey keyline on the outside of each postcard. It should be 50% grey. This is because the book pages will be white and the keyline will ensure that the cards will be completely defined even if there is white at the edges, either as a border or as part of the image.
2. Can you ensure that the component images in a postcard each extend right up to the edges of the postcard, otherwise there will be a white line at the edge of the postcard inside the keyline. It is sometimes difficult to see whether there is a little gap particularly if the individual images in your postcard are exactly the right size. It may be easier to make your images ever so slightly too large so that you can extend them just beyond the edges and then crop.
3. Most of us like to look at other photographers’ images and a QR code could be included in the stamp area of your “Statement of intent” postcard to link to your work.
QR codes should link to any of the following:
· the homepage of your website
· a gallery page on your website featuring work of relevance to your postcards entry
· your Instagram, Flickr, Facebook, 500px or similar feed
Please note: QR codes will not be published if they link to overtly commercial pages or websites. The Landscape Group's chair and vice-chair, together with the Postcards project manager will be the final arbiters in the case of any disagreement over whether a link should be accepted."
If anything isn't clear, please get in touch with me.
Best wishes Sue

and 31st August

I am delighted to say that we have many photographers taking part in this project, looking at their familiar surroundings in new ways. I have already received some submissions.
As always in new projects, there will be a few issues arising that we orgainisers hadn't considered and I just wanted to mention a couple which will be added to the website in due course.
With regard to the postcard with your statement and details, we have added the extra instruction that the reverse side of the postcard should resemble the reverse side of a typical picture postcard, such as a vertical line through the centre with your statement on the left and your details on the right, and the words POST CARD at the top”.
The other point I want to make is that the templates in the "Creating your postcards" section are just to be regarded as examples - in addition to the examples on the Home Page.
Hope this clarifies some of the queries.


Stephen Lawrence

[1May] Three on a vertical card of 1654px x 1063px would be 3 x 551 x 1063.



logo logo
Box D - Lawrence
1. early trial, 23Apr23
2. second trial, three-up and margins, 1st May
3. text


[23Apr] One possibility is a format 2 card with 2 panoramas, each 1654 x 532ish, including the seam. Perhaps the standard exterior and the hammerbeam roof. I have existing examples of those.



EPal EPal EPal EPal EPal
Box E - EPal
1. Exterior, North view, March 2022
2. Hammerbeam roof, April 2022
3-4. crop to 1654x532
5. early trial

St Barnabas

[date] text



logo logo logo
Box F - Barnabas
1. St Barnabas, December 2020
2. Fiebusch mural, December 2020
3. early trial

Winter garden

[29Apr] This was closed and in danger of its life when I was last there, but there are rumours of funding and resurrection. There are some old photographs below.



logo Galatea
Box D
1. text
2. Leopoldo Ansiglioni, Galatea Reclining on a Dolphin, 1882, Nov 2017
3. text
4. text
© the artists, their agents or their estates
image sources: 1. text; 2. text 3. text 4. text


[date] text



logo logo
Box D
1. text
2. text
3. text
4. text
© the artists, their agents or their estates
image sources: 1. text; 2. text 3. text 4. text


[date] text




[date] text




author, (year) Title. Location: Publisher.

author (year) title [online]. website. Available from url [Accessed nn January 2020].

author (year) Title. Location: Publisher.

author, (year) Title. Location: Publisher.

author (year) title [online]. website. Available from url [Accessed nn January 2020].

author, (year) Book Title. Location: Publisher.

author (year) Title. Journal. Vol, pages.

author (year) Title. Newspaper. Date. pages.

Page created 22-Apr-2023 | Page updated 01-Sep-2023