BA Phot

Photographers cited on the course

Expressing your vision

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These are the photographers (and other entities) mentioned in the coursework. Where a link is provided in the material, that is included as "link", or it might be to one that I have chosen. The page number within the course is also given (prefix "E" is Expressing your Vision). When an entry has been written on these pages, that will be ticked and linked to the name.

Photographers suggested by my tutor for investigation are coded, for example "TE3", meaning Tutor - EyV course - arising from assignment 3.

[20Mar19] This has become the main photographers index following tutor comments on Assignment 3 that the site sould focus more closely on the course itself. The extended index is here. Early entries in this set were predominantly biographical and based on the Wikipedia entry: as noted in my tutor's comments, I should "[reflect] in more detail on the images you mention, considering content, concept, or formal elements"

Additions for EyV Part 5 - Alexia Clorinda [E102] , Rinko Kawauchi [E109]

Page created 18-Aug-2018 | Page updated 18-Feb-2020